Better you than me, Lady! |
Some folks may be aware of the bizarre health complaint I started having a few months back. What started as weird collapsing and shaking was analyzed, MRI'ed, CT scanned, and EEG'ed and determined to be *drumroll* migraines. WTF head? Never in my life have I had any trouble with this, and suddenly it starts out of nowhere?
But was it really out of nowhere? If this starts sounding like an episode of "House, MD" then you are picking up on the general trend of things. We were looking at everything. Stress? Got some, could be. Caffeine? Possibly, drinking coffee seemed to make it worse and I'm generally sensitive to the stuff. Sugar? I sure hope not, avoiding that would be a major diet overhaul. One I'm sure Sunny would be totally in favor of, but that my 4 year old would not support. Chocolate? Just shoot me. Shoot me in the head. I don't want to live if I have to give up chocolate.
And then Nick made a big breakthrough - my period. See, I didn't have my period at ALL until Mera was 10 months old. Which, coincidentally, was about the time this whole ordeal started. Hmmmm.... interesting, but would it stand up in court? Then Nick pointed out that my last big migraine took place the day after my period ended. We decided to track things a bit, see what was shaking. What did we find? Well, first of all my cycle is not so cyclical right now. Second, I got a small migraine the day I ovulated. Third, I got another migraine the day after my next period. We've got enough to make the link, I'd say. Would it stand up in court? Depends, does the defendant have OJ Simpson's legal team?
After some interwebs research (the ultimate in reliable fact-finding) we found that migraines and menstrual cycles are known to be linked in some cases. 1 in 7 women experience migraines as a result of plummeting estrogen levels after their period. So lucky, I am! The information we saw recomended some sort of estrogen replacement, hormonal therapy. In short, the pill.
I don't like the pill. I don't want the pill. I won't remember to take the pill and I'll get preggers again and that's not what we were looking to do right now. Then I caught a little blurb, one little line in the pamphlet, that mentioned estrogen gels that can be applied topically. Eureka!!!
I'm an Arbonne gal. I love their skincare products. Whether that helps or hinders their company, it's true. I use their FC5 line and it's the only thing I'll buy. My rep, Maria, mentioned to a friend of mine, once upon a time and in my direct hearing, that they make hormone creams to help menopause. There's two of them... Prolief and Phyto Prolief. One is a progesterone cream, the Phyto Prolief is a bio-identical estrogen replacement. I called Maria - they still make it, she still sells it, she thinks it could work.
So here's the part where I become a guinea pig. In the interest of maybe helping someone else suffering from menstrual migraines, I'm going to report on my Phyto Prolief regimen and it's effects. I'll tell you how much I'm using, how often, where on my body, and what the effect is. Hopefully, it'll be good because I'm so tired of these migraines. They're getting better, but pulling my hubby out of work so I can pass out for several hours with a tender head and light sensitivity is not going to cut it.
Wish me luck!
About Menstrual Migraines
The Magic Cream
I hope it works and you can say goodbye to those nasty symptoms.